We are staying at a
very nice place in Westport. Mike and Scott are in the main house while I am
across the car park in another building. The rest of the B&B is occupied by
people from the states who are in Westport for a wedding.
I headed out on the N59 back towards Leenaan. Most of the scenery is similar to yesterday but I had to snap a couple of pictures to show that there are blue skies in Ireland and they still have fantastic clouds!
Sometimes you run
into clumps of trees and the area around them is just gorgeous.
Stopped at the
Aasleagh Falls and ran into Mike and Scott. After they took off and I went to
photograph the Falls, I realized that I had missed the perfect opportunity to
get them on film. In my afterthought way, I caught them as the biked away.
I then got my
pictures of the Falls.
And caught up with
the guys as a bit later. I am also upset that the hotel you see in the back
ground of the sheep, is where we stayed in Leenaan! We could have caught the
Falls with a lot less time 2 days ago!
The yellow building across the water is the Leenaan Hotel.
Passed the Delphi
Lodge that is in my book of 1000 Places to see. It is surrounded by gorgeous
country side.
When I ran into the
guys, Mike told me I had to take a side trip over some of the road they had
just came over. I did a good piece of it up to and through Tawnyard Forrest and
it was really beautiful, but it also served to convince me that the guys are nuts!
The road is awful and the hills, incredible.
We met up again at
the Altore Megalithic tomb which dates to 2000 BC.
Next stop was the
town of Louisburgh which has the Granuaile Center which details the history of
Ireland in the mid-1500's as well as the history of Grace (Granuaile) O'Malley.
There were several family trees including that of her son with her first husband,
Burke. Her descendants became the Marquis of Sligo. That family chart reminded
me of the castle, Westport House, I saw on my 2008 visit that is the home of Jeremy, 11th
Marquis of Sligo. There was a display of the history of Grace O'Malley but also
of the fight that Jeremy was fighting to change the law so that one of his 5
daughters can inherit the title. I wonder if it has been approved now that the
first child of William and Kate can inherit the crown regardless of gender.
Their castle was very interesting and the family still lives in mart of it.
We are back to
driving along the coast, this time Clew Bay. The water is so blue! And the
animals along the road grazing now include horses. We were stopping in
Murrisk to see the monument to the
Famine victims. I think the guys found it, Scott was particularly interested,
but I didn't. I took a few more pictures and headed back to Westport.
We went out to dinner as usual. It was a restaurant above a pub. We have had a ton of good food here. And each night, the guys go out looking for music with various degrees of success. For the most part, it has been starting too late. They have discovered some local color though. For 2 most part, I haven't joined them because this fall has made me really tired. But last night we headed to O'Malley's which is owned by one of the members of the Chieftain's, a well known Irish band. There was an gathering of musicians who played that included older men playing string instruments, the oldest looking of them playing a combination of a type of drum and the harmonica. There were 3 younger women playing the squeeze box and flutes. Finally 2 very young female violin players and a very young bartender with a banjo joined the group. Mike bailed early but Scott and I made it past 10:30, late for us.
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