Wednesday 7 August 2013

Gavins head to Paris, August 5th 2013

I have been quite lucky, in a summer that has had little work, to have 2 brothers who have helped me replace work days with travel days. While the trip to Ireland had been planned well in advanced, the trip to Paris wasn't. Tim had asked me at the end of May to go with him and the kids and I couldn't say yes till almost the end of July when I found that I would not be working this week.

So on the afternoon of August Air France. I had just found out I would be working in St. Louis on the 12th so I was trying to juggle making hotel and air arrangements with changing my seat for the flight. A typical terri move. But I finally managed to get it all together on a very full flight.

As full as it is, the international flights are so much nicer. real meals, wine with the meals, blankets and pillows, and a bag check. The service was great as was my beef bourgione and after they dimmed the lights, I was actually able to get some sleep with my real pillow. I have learned that it is worth haling my real pillow with me for long flights.

Charles de Gaulle's terminal for Air France is massive. I even had to take a train to the luggage area! And I was very thankful for an EU passport. It took me longer to navigate the maze they had set up for lines than the actual standing in line. The non-EU line would have taken me an hour!

Tim and the kids were supposed to get in an hour after me, but were early.  They were ready to go at the same time I was but coming from another terminal. CDG doesn't have the nice efficient train system between terminals JFK has so fortunately Tim was able to pick me up at the terminal with the taxi.

We got to our apartment about a half hour and 60 euros later. It is really nice and comfortable. If anyone remembers me regretting the lack of bathtubs in Ireland, we have a beauty here.

Went out and found the boulangerie and patisser along with a market within 2 blocks because my niece was starving... she didn't agree with US Airs definition of breakfast. No one does bread and pasteries like the French!

So it was time to decide on activities for the day when Tim realized that he had never picked up his bag at the airport! Who forgets to pick up thier bag??? Many phone calls later, when he couldn't get any one to deliver it, we decided that he and the kids would do the Arc de Triomphe and the Champs de Elysee and I would go get the bag...but public transit this time.

No problems finding the bus or the airport bus. Lots of trouble trying to find bagagge claim in Terminal 1. But I also quickly realized that the reason they got through everything so fast that morning is that all of Terminal 1 would fit in the baggage claim area of Terminal 2 where I cam in!

Finally found the baggage problem guys and got Tim's bag which weighted a ton and NO WHEELS!
I went into it to get the strap and it is filled with books! Journals and power adapters!

So I took the Rossy bus back to Opera where I had gotten it and before I had picked up the bag, I had decided to walk back since it wasn't too far...let's just say I got my strength training for a year.

My biggest regret on it all was that I hadn't taken my camera with me.

We all got back to the apartment about the same time and headed to dinner and an early bed. We ate at a local place called Long Island. I got a 6 piece appitizer of escargot so the kids could try them for the first time. John had 1 and passed on the second, Elisabeth liked them so she and I both had our 2 each and we got Tim to try the last one. He had said he didn't care for escargot because they were gritty and tough but these were not gritty at all as he agreed, but quite tasty.

Our waitress kindly took our only picture of the day but we will catch up on the picture taking tomorrow. I do need to give a disclaimer about the pictures, they were all taken with a camera so they blew up a little fuzzy. Hopefully, we will do better tomorrow.

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